Sunday, June 7, 2009


What is Global Warming?
Briefly, Science of our time states that Global Warming came about as a result of too much Carbon Dioxide Burning into our Atmosphere resulting in what there called "The Greenhouse Effect".

What it mean is the Ozone layer that protect the Earth form Harming sun Ultra Violet ray now thickened and has the effect of blocking the sun ray back into space, thereby causing heat to increase.

This increase in heat will cause the ice cap to melt and sea level will rise resulting in massive flood world wide we see today in unprecedented level and scale is the direct result of that.
Aside from catastrophic havoc to our weather, it also increase temperature as many heat wave today are also a direct cause of that phenomena.

Why is it worrying?
We have to worry as it will some day in the very near future certainly within our life time, the weather system will be tip over and we lose control and huge flood and hurricane like Katherine etc will be a normal life experience very frightening and scaring prospect to be living with!

Scientist had already sounded the Global Warming alarm bell decades also but due to human selfishness and economic and politics we choose to ignore the plight and pain of the earth and now we are paying a heavy price for it.

Can we Stop it?Certainly we can, but will be a long and odious journey, scientist have mentioned may be too slow and too late as within the next 50 years things will get much worse before we seen improvement provided we grossly speed up our pace to reduce CO2 emission etc only then we have a real fighting chance otherwise.

we may have done gross miscarriage of justice and madness and cannot apologies enough to our future generation and descendant who will scream back at us in our dream: What are you doing? can't you seen that was the critical moment human can make a last minute effort to save earth and life but we choose to blow it! out of human selfishness and greed for wealth creation and all sorts of craving be it consumerism etc totally disregarding planet earth pain and hurting it mindlessly and perpetually...

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