Sunday, June 7, 2009


How did the Cosmo begin?

Let me tell the story from the beginning

Some 15 Billion years ago, our universe began with the mightiest explosion of all time. The universes expand , cool and darken, energy condenses into matters mostly hydrogen atoms, these atoms accumulated in vast clouds rushes always from each other that would one day become the galaxy.

Within these Galaxies, the first generation of stars were born, kindling the energies hidden in matters, flooding the cosmos with lights, hydrogen atoms has make suns and starlight.

There were in those time no planet to receive the lights, and no creature to admire the radiance of the heaven, but deep in the stellar furnaces nucleus fission atom were creating the heavier matters carbon and oxygen silicon and iron, these elements the ash left by hydrogen were the raw material which the planets and life which later arrive.

At first the heavier elements were trap in the heart of the stars, but massive stars soon exhausted its fuel and in their dead though returns their matters back into space, Inter-Stellar gas now became enrich with heavy elements .

In the milky way galaxy the matters of the cosmos became recycle into new generation of star, now richer with heavier elements owe their legacy of their stellar ancestors.

In the cold of the Inter-Stellar space, cold turbulent clouds were gathered by gravity and stirred by starlight , in their dead the heavy matters condense into grains of rocky ice and complex carbon base molecule , in accordance with the law of physics and chemistry hydrogen atoms have brought forth the stuff of life.

In other cloud, more massive aggregate of star and cloud and in their dead form later generation of stars. As new stars were formed, tiny condensation were accredited near them, inconspicuous mode of rocks and ice matters and gas that would become the planet and on these world in the inter stellar cloud organic molecules forms made of atoms that have been cook inside the star the tide pool and ocean of many world molecule destroy by sunlight and assemble by chemistry.

One day, on these natural world, a molecule occurred quite by accident that could make crude copy of itself . As time pass self replication become more accurate , those molecules can produce better produce more copies.

Natural selection was underway, elaborate molecular machine have evolve slowing imperceptibly life have began .

Collective molecular evolve into one cell animal , these produce multi cell colony, various parts become specialize organ .

Some colony attached themselves to sea floor, others swam freely eyes evolve and now the cosmos can see living thing move on to colonize the land . The reptile help shave for a time but give way to small warm blooded creature with bigger brain that develop dexterity and curiosity about their environment, they learn to use tools and fires and language star stuff the ash of stellar have emerge into consciousness.

We are away to the cosmos to know itself , we are creature of the cosmos and always hunger to know our origin to understand the connection with the universe how did everything come to be?

Every culture on the planet have devise the riddle pose by the universe, every culture celebrate the cycle of life and nature.
There are many different ways of being human, but an extra terrestrial examining the difference amongst human society would find those differences trivial compare to the similarity.

We are one species, we are star stuff harvesting starlight , our life past present and future are tie to the sun moon and the star . Our ancestor knew our survival depend on the understanding of the heaven , they built observatory and computer to predict the changes of the season, by their motion in the sky , we are all of us descended from astronomer .

The discovery that there are order in the universe there are law of nature is the foundation on which science build today.

Our conception of the cosmos, all the modern science and technology traced back to question raised by the star

Yet even 400 years ago we still have no ideas of our place in the universe the long journey to that understanding requires a unflinching respect for the fact and a delight in the natural world.


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