Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dependent Origination

Dependent Origination
The Law of Dependent Origination (Paticca-Samuppada)

1. Ignorance
2. Conditioning Activities
3. (Rebirth) Consciousness
4. Mind & Matter
5. Six (Sense) Bases
6. Contact
7. Feeling
8. Craving
9. Grasping
10. Action or Becoming
11. Birth
12. Decay, Death, Sorrow, Lamentation, Pain, Grief and Despair.

First Explanation

Paticca Samuppada - Dependent Origination

Avijjâ paccayâ sankhârâ
Dependent on ignorance arises kamma formations

Sankhârâ paccayâ viññanam
Dependent of kamma formations arises the consciousness that links one birth with another

Viññanam paccayâ nâmarûpam
Dependent on re-linking consciousness arises the psycho-physical existence

Nâmarûpa paccayâ salâyantanam
Dependent on psycho-physical existence arises the six sense organs (including mind)

Salâyantana paccayâ phasso
Dependent on the six sense organs arises sense impressions

Phassa paccayâ vedanâ
Dependent on sense impression arises feeling

Vedanâ paccayâ tanhâ
Dependent on feeling arises craving

Tanhâ paccayâ upâdânam
Dependent on craving arises clinging

Upâdâna paccayâ bhavo
Dependent on clinging arises the process of becoming

Bhava paccayâ jâti
Dependent on becoming arises the birth in a new plane

Jâti paccayâ jaramaranam soka parideva sukkha domanassu-pâyâsâ sambhavanti
Evametassa kevalassa dukkha-khandassa samudayo hoti
Depending on birth arises old age, death, grief, lamentation, pain, depression and despair. Thus the entire mass of suffering arises.

Nirodha - Cessation

Avijjâ-yattveva asesa virâga nirodhâ sankhârâ nirodho
With the total and final cessation of ignorance, the kamma formations do not arise.

Sañkhârâ nirodhâ viññanam
With the cessation of kamma formations, re-linking consciousness does not arise.

Viññanam nirodhâ nâmarûpam
With the cessation of re-linking consciousness, psycho-physical existence does not arise.

Nâmarûpa nirodhâ salâyantanam
With the cessation of psycho-physical existence, the six sense organs does not arise.

Salâyantana nirodhâ phasso
With the cessation of the six sense organs, sense impressions does not arise.

Phassa nirodhâ vedanâ
With the cessation of sense impression, feeling does not arise.

Vedanâ nirodhâ tanhâ
With the cessation of feeling, craving does not arise.

Tanhâ nirodhâ upâdânam
With the cessation of craving, clinging does not arise.

Upâdâna nirodhâ bhavo
With the cessation of clinging, the process of becoming does not arise.

Bhava nirodhâ jâti
With the cessation of becoming, birth does not arise.

Jâti nirodhâ jaramaranam soka parideva sukkha domanassu-pâyâsâ sambhavanti
Evametassa kevalassa dukkha-khandassa nirodho hoti
With the cessation of birth, old age, death, grief, lamentation, pain, depression and despair do not arise. Thus the entire mass of suffering ceases.

Second Explanation

Paticca Samuppada - Dependent Origination

Avijjâ paccayâ sankhârâ
Ignorance conditions kamma formations.

Sankhârâ paccayâ viññanam
Kamma formations condition consciousness.

Viññanam paccayâ nâmarûpam
Consciousness conditions mind-matter.

Nâmarûpa paccayâ salâyantanam
Mind-matter conditions six-sense bases

Salâyantana paccayâ phasso
Six-sense bases condition contacts.

Phassa paccayâ vedanâ
Contacts condition feelings

Vedanâ paccayâ tanhâ
Feelings condition craving.

Tanhâ paccayâ upâdânam
Craving conditions clinging

Upâdâna paccayâ bhavo
Clinging conditions becoming (or action).

Bhava paccayâ jâti
Becoming conditions birth.

Jâti paccayâ jaramaranam soka parideva sukkha domanassu-pâyâsâ sambhavanti
Evametassa kevalassa dukkha-khandassa samudayo hoti
Birth conditions old age, death, grief, lamentation, pain, depression and despair.
Thus the entire mass of suffering arises.

Nirodha - Cessation

Avijjâ-yattveva asesa virâga nirodhâ sankhârâ nirodho
With the total and final cessation of ignorance, the kamma formations cease.

Sañkhârâ nirodhâ viññanam
With the cessation of kamma formations, consciousness ceases.

Viññanam nirodhâ nâmarûpam
With the cessation of consciousness, mind-matter ceases.

Nâmarûpa nirodhâ salâyantanam
With the cessation of mind-matter, six-sense bases cease.

Salâyantana nirodhâ phasso
With the cessation of six-sense bases, contacts cease.

Phassa nirodhâ vedanâ
With the cessation of contacts, feelings cease.

Vedanâ nirodhâ tanhâ
With the cessation of feelings, cravings cease.

Tanhâ nirodhâ upâdânam
With the cessation of craving, clinging ceases.

Upâdâna nirodhâ bhavo
With the cessation of clinging, becoming ceases.

Bhava nirodhâ jâti
With the cessation of becoming, birth ceases.

Jâti nirodhâ jaramaranam soka parideva sukkha domanassu-pâyâsâ sambhavanti
Evametassa kevalassa dukkha-khandassa nirodho hoti
With the cessation of birth - old age, death, grief, lamentation, pain, depression and despair cease. Thus the entire mass of suffering ceases.

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