Saturday, February 13, 2010

Vesak day

Vesak day commemorate the Birthday, Enlightenment Day and Paranibbana Day of the Lord Buddha, and thus is to Buddhist the most important day of the year.

Without Him, we would not have had such a great teacher to teach us the Dhamma, hence we owe it to Him to celebrate this day in an appropriate manner.

That means NO hosting noisy, gaudy events or food and fun fairs, because these have nothing to do with Buddha's aim in being reborn.

He came to teach us to contemplate, to live calmly, to face life with equanimity and to strive for liberation from all attachments.

In line with His ideals, we should spend Vesak day doing just that.
We should spent the day in prayer and contemplation, peace and quiet, sitting and thinking about what our Great Teacher has taught us.
Remember him and feel the gratitude well up in your hearts.

This is better than all those noisy procession organised inhis name.
In some countries Buddhist like to bathe an image of buddhaas a baby on Wesak day and then to place ang pos in the donation boxes - they are actually paying for the chance to bathe the image. Hard to understand why they are worthy enough to do that.

Afterall, the Buddha is pure,while we are not.
The devotees should realized that it is better for them to keep the Precepts and cleanse their minds instead.

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