Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dawn Of Truth

The Dawn of Truth

1. The Reminiscence Of Past Births (Pubbe-nivasanussati Nana)
2. The Perception of the Disappearing and Reappearing of Beings (Cutupapata)
3. The Comprehension of the Cessation of Corruptions (Asavakkhaya Nana)

Delivered am I
Rebirth is ended
Fulfilled the Holy Life
Done what was to be done
There is no more of this state again.

One of the First Utterances of the Buddha

Anekajati samsaram sandhavissama anibbisam
Gahakarakam gavesanto dukkha jati punappunam
Gahakaraka dittho’ si puna geham na kahasi
Sahha to phasuka bhagga gahakutam visamkitam
Visamkharagatam cittam
tanhanamkhayam ajjhaga

Through many a birth in existence wandered I,
Seeking, but not finding, the builder of this house.
Sorrowful is repeated birth.
O housebuilder (Craving), thou art seen.
Thou shalt build no house (Body) again.
All thy rafters (Passions) are broken.
Thy ridge-pole (Ignorance) is shattered.
Mind Attains the Unconditioned.
Achieved is the End of Craving.

Who is the Buddha?

Once a certain Brahmin named Dona, noticing the characteristic marks of the footprint of the Buddha, approached Him and questioned Him :

‘Your Reverence will be a Deva ?’
‘No, indeed, Brahmin, a Deva am I not,’ replied the Buddha.
‘Then Your Reverence will be a Gandhabba ?’
‘No, indeed, Brahmin, a Gandhabba am I not.’
‘A Yakkha then ?’
‘No, indeed, Brahmin, not a Yakka.’
“Then Your Reverence will be a human being ?’
‘No, indeed, Brahmin, a human being am I not.’
“Who, then, pray, will Your Reverence be ?’

The Buddha replied that He had destroyed Defilements which condition rebirth as a Deva, Gandhabba, Yakka, or a human being and added: I am the Buddha - the Awaken One.

Conversation with Upaka

The Buddha was travelling on the highway,
when between Gaya and the Bodhi tree,
beneath whose shade He attained Enlightenment,
a wandering ascetic named Upaka saw Him and addressed Him thus :

"Extremely clear are your senses, friend!
Pure and clean is your complexion.
On account of whom has your renunciation been made, friend?
Who is your teacher?
Whose doctrine do you profess?"

The Buddha replied to Upaka :

"All have I overcome, all do I know.
From all am I detached, all have I renounced.
Wholly absorbed am I in the destruction of craving (Arahantship)
No teacher have I. An equal to me there is not.
In the world including gods there is no rival to me.
Indeed an Arahant am I in this world.
An unsurpassed teacher am I;
Alone am I the All-Enli ghtened.
Cool and appeased am I.
To establish the wheel of Dhamma to the city of Kasi I go.
In this blind world I shall beat the drum of Deathlessness."

Majjhima Nikaya, Ariyapariyesana Sutta, N.26

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