Saturday, February 13, 2010



What is Peace? What is confusion?

Well, peacefulness is the end of confusion.
Peace is within oneself to be found in the same place as agitation and suffering. It is not found in a forest or a hilltop, nor is it given by a teacher. Where you experience suffering, you can also find freedom from suffering. Trying to run away from suffering is actually you run towards it.

If you let go a little you have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you have a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you have complete peace.
Actually, in truth, there isn't anything to human beings. Whatever we may be, it's only in the realm of appearances and see the truth, we will see that there isn't anything there but the universal character- birth in the beginning, changes in the middle, and cessation in the end. This is all there is.

If we see that all things are like this, then no problems arise. If we understand this, we will have contentment and peace.
know what is good and bad, whether traveling or living in one place. You can't find peace on a mountain or in a cave. You can even go to where the Buddha attained enlightenment without getting closer to the truth.
Looking outside the self is to compare and to discriminate.

You will not find happiness that way. Nor will you find peace if you spend your time looking for a perfect person or the perfect teacher. The Buddha taught us to look at the Dharma, the truth, and not to look at other people.

Anyone can build a house of wood and bricks, but the Buddha taught us that sort of home is not our real home. It's a home in the world and it follows the way of the world. Our real home is inner peace.

The forest is peaceful, why aren't you? You hold onto things causing your confusion. Let nature teach you. Hear the bird's song then let go. If you know nature, you will know Dharma. If you know Dharma, you will know nature. Looking for peace is like looking for turtle with a mustache. You won't be able to find it. But when your heart is ready, peace will come looking for you.

Virtue, concentration, and wisdom together make up the Path. But this Path is not yet actually wanted, but merely the Path that will take you there. For example, say you traveled the road from Bangkok to Wat Pah Pong; but you were seeking Wat Pah Pong, the monastery, not the road. In the same way, we can say virtue, concentration, and wisdom are outside the truth of the Buddha but are the road that leads to the truth. When you have developed these three factors, the result is the most wonderful peace.

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