Saturday, February 13, 2010

Spiritual Love Relationship

Spiritual Love Relationship

Love in the conventional and general sense differs from that of spiritual sense.

Spiritually 4 rules applies:

Rule 1: Become normal friends
Love at first sight seems ridiculous as you can't really love someone you know nothing about when first meet. Unless is ude to great karmic attraction from past. Or you are a Bodhisattva who love unconditionally.

Rule 2: Become Good Friends
First be good friend before considering long term relationship, get to know one another better first make a lot of sense. Be spiritual friend first.

Rule 3 : Be Best Friends
Try to develop and take friendship to next higher level form Good Friend To Best Friend. It takes a lot of effort and patience and time, with dedication will get there.

Don't be complacent to assume knowing the other person inside out, one can never really know or the other can change due to changing situation and circumstances.
Communication is important here as it is the foundation which trust is built upon.

Rule 4: Become Best Friends of Many

Spiritual love is contagious, can spread like "wild fire" which is a good thing. Which this often troubled and confusing world needs.
So Spiritual begins with two person snowball down to as many as possible and" light up" the world if possible for a happier and better world.

How to handle "Love " - Dealing with Lust

It is only human to have lustful thoughts whenever a man comes across a beautiful woman, if you view them as your own sisters, with compassionate mind to rescue them, you will not be moved by beautiful forms or swayed by lustful thoughts. Within family, husbands and wives should respect one another s guest. (For female the advice should be similar)-Patriarch Master YIn Kuang (Pure land Zen)

Overrated Feelings?

Amorous feelings are overrated. As if they are "all or nothing" for some. Why must your love interest be your lover? why can't you try to be good friend?

How to regain your love? click here

To know how to STOP Divorce click here

Learn about How To Win Your Ex Back  click here


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